Figure 2.
Annotation of the MinION assembly of Escherichia coli. (a) The E. coli O157:H7 chromosome was sequenced and assembled into a final consensus of 5,482,542 nucleotides. The annotation of the genome provided the location of 5,748 coding sequences (CDS), 106 tRNAs, 29 rRNAs, 6 regulatory regions, and 1 repeat regions. For imaging purposes, only the 6 regulatory regions (green), the one repeat region (brown) and the CDS of two virulence factors (yellow) are shown magnified. The LEE (locus of enterocyte effacement) is highlighted at position 4,603,699 to 4,636,299, and the Shiga Toxin subunits are shown at position 3,181,004 to 3,180,992 for demonstration purposes. (b) The E. coli pO157 plasmid was sequenced and assembled into a final consensus of 94,503 nucleotides. The annotation shows all 124 coding sequences (CDS) in yellow. The CDS of three well-known virulence factors are highlighted: hemolysin (ehx) at position 16,584 to 19,578, catalase-peroxidase (katP) at position 76,704 to 78,356, and the type II secretion system (T2SS) at position 64,056 to 85,694 for demonstration purposes.