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. 2019 Nov 8;19:951. doi: 10.1186/s12879-019-4593-z

Table 4.

Attitude about TB infection control according to health professionals

Physician Nurse Others P value
n = 140 n = 256 n = 44
Attitude score, mean (SD) 7.79 (0.99) 7.93 (0.99) 7.97 (0.88) 0.597
Attitude for works relating to TB
 I am willing to keep my work in the current ward/department? (n = 427) 136 (98.6) 242 (98.4) 42 (97.7) 0.730
 It is very important to prevent the spread of TB in the hospital? (n = 427) 138 (100.0) 243 (98.8) 41 (95.3) 0.040
 Do you feel any scarily about the infection from TB patients? – ‘agree,’ n (%) (n = 421 123 (91.8) 224 (91.8) 39 (90.7) 1.000
Do you feel any stress for taking care of TB patients? –n (%) (n = 429) 0.279
 Agree 94 (68.1) 155 (62.5) 32 (74.4)
 Disagree 44 (31.9) 88 (35.5) 11 (25.6)
 Neither agree/disagree 0 (0.0) 5 (2.0) 0 (0.0)
Finding all of the new case of TB is an important task in controlling the disease. (n = 427) 135 (99.3) 241 (97.2) 42 (97.7) 0.487
 Agree 135 (99.3) 241 (97.2) 42 (97.7)
 Disagree 1 (0.7) 3 (1.2) 0 (0.0)
 Neither agree/disagree 0 (0.0) 4 (1.6) 1 (2.3)
It is important to realize more actions to include the community in TB prevention and control. (n = 430) 0.046
 Agree 137 (99.3) 246 (98.8) 40 (93.0)
 Disagree 0 (0.0) 2 (0.8) 2 (4.7)
 Neither agree/disagree 1 (0.7) 1 (0.4) 1 (2.3)
The knowledge and awareness of TB in your community is adequate. (n = 427) 0.254
 Agree 51 (37.0) 86 (35.0) 12 (27.9)
 Disagree 80 (58.0) 138 (56.1) 30 (69.8)
 Neither agree/disagree 7 (5.1) 22 (8.9) 1 (2.3)
Concerning facility’s barriers for TB infection control
My ward/department have enough isolation rooms for suspected TB patients. (n = 415) 0.076
 Agree 16 (11.7) 44 (18.0) 11 (26.2)
 Disagree 117 (85.4) 198 (80.8) 29 (69.0)
 Neither agree/disagree 4 (2.9) 3 (1.2) 2 (4.8)
I satisfy with the hospital’s TB infection control. (n = 369) 36 (27.1) 128 (53.3) 15 (36.6) < 0.001
Satisfied issues
 Patients’ Isolation room 92 (73.0) 113 (55.7) 22 (55.0) 0.005
 Visitor’s rules to hospitalized TB patients 59 (46.8) 75 (36.9) 22 (55.0) 0.048
 Windows at patients’ room 60 (47.6) 81 (39.9) 9 (22.5) 0.019
 UV lights in place and routinely used 60 (47.6) 99 (48.8) 14 (35.0) 0.278
 Fans and opening windows in TB patients’ rooms 46 (36.5) 69 (34.0) 7 (17.5) 0.075
Air filters in TB patients’ rooms
 Routine TB screening for healthcare professionals 64 (50.8) 98 (48.3) 17 (42.5) 0.657
 Sputum collecting box/corner for suspected TB patients 37 (29.6) 73 (36.0) 13 (32.5) 0.509
 Aeration system of rooms for TB patients and consultation 66 (52.4) 85 (41.9) 12 (30.0) 0.027
Feeling any barriers for implementing TB infection control activities in the hospital 0.043
 Agree 60 (44.8) 111 (48.3) 16 (39.0)
 Disagree 67 (50.0) 108 (47.0) 18 (43.9)
 Neither agree/disagree 7 (5.2) 11 (4.8) 7 (17.1)

SD Standard deviation, TB Tuberculosis