Cardiomyocyte cross-sectional area in 3-month-old offspring. Representative images of wheat-germ agglutinin-stained transverse cardiac sections (a, c) and mean ± SEM cardiomyocyte cross-sectional area in 3-month old male (n = 7–10, b) and female (n = 5–10, d) offspring of control, phosphate-buffered saline (PBS)-infused pregnant mice (C/PBS) and obese pregnant mice infused either with PBS (Ob/PBS) or adiponectin (Ob/AND) from E14.5 to 18.5. Image scale bars represent 50 μM. Overall effect of maternal treatment group by one-way analysis of variance given in figure. Values with different superscripts, a or b, are significantly different from one another by pairwise post hoc comparison (P < 0.05, Holm–Sidak test)