Fig. 5.
MV3 cell migration is affected by NHE1 expression and matrix fixation. The effects of NHE1 overexpression become more apparent on a fixed collagen type I substrate. a The migration speed of NHE1 overexpressing cells is significantly lower than that of control cells, on both the native and the fixed substrate. NHE1 overexpressing cells migrate significantly more slowly on the fixed (n = 41 cells from N = 3 independent experiments) than on the native substrate (n = 40 cells, N = 3) while control cells do not migrate differently (n = 33, N = 3 on fixed vs. n = 30, N = 5 on native). b The net distance covered within 5 h is lower in NHE1 overexpressing cells with a significant difference on the fixed substrate. NHE1 overexpressing cells cover a shorter distance on the fixed than on the native substrate while the distance covered by control cells does not differ between the two substrates. c NHE1 overexpressing cells cover a lower total distance on both substrates, when compared to the control cells. Compared to the native matrix, NHE1 overexpressing cells cover a lower total distance on the fixed matrix whereas control cells do not show a difference. d The directionality index does not differ between control and NHE1 overexpressing cells on the native substrate. On the fixed substrate, NHE1 overexpressing cells migrate less directional than control cells on the fixed and NHE1 overexpressing cells on the native substrate