Figure 4. Variation by Pairs of Conditions Among Virtual Visit Companies in Adherence to Guidelines for Key Management Decisions.
Abbreviations: Strep., streptococcal; UTI, recurrent female urinary tract infection. Each point represents the adjusted mean rate of adherence to guidelines in key management decisions (for streptococcal pharyngitis and low back pain in Figure 4a, for ankle pain and urinary tract infection in Figure 4b, and for viral pharyngitis and acute rhinosinusitis in Figure 4c) for each virtual visit company and the error bars indicate the 95% confidence intervals. The dotted line is the aggregate mean across virtual visit companies. Lower rates indicate lower adherence to guidelines in management decisions. The dotted line is the aggregate mean across virtual visit companies. There was no statistically significant variation between virtual visit companies in adherence to guidelines for streptococcal pharyngitis and low back pain (P=.290) or for ankle pain and urinary tract infection (P=.328), although the variation in adherence to guidelines was significant for viral pharyngitis and acute rhinosinusitis (P<.001).