Motor-evoked potential (MEP) latency dispersion. A: waveforms represent 20 MEPs tested with the coil oriented in the latero-medial (LM), posterior-anterior (PA), and anterior-posterior (AP) direction during precision grip in representative control and SCI subject. Dotted lines show the difference between the earliest and latest MEP latency. The abscissa shows the time after stimulation in milliseconds and latency dispersion of MEPs is indicated for each set of 20 MEPs. B: group data show MEP latency dispersion during precision grip and power grip when the coil was oriented in LM, PA, and AP direction. The abscissa shows the coil orientation tested (LM, PA, and AP) in controls (green) and SCI (orange) and the ordinate shows the MEP latency dispersion (in milliseconds). Error bars indicate SD. *P < 0.05, comparison within group. ¥P < 0.001, comparison between groups.