Figure 1.
Statins induced a high percentage of petites production in yeast cells. (a) Percentage of petites production of wild type W303 and W303 rho° grown in YPD medium and wild type W303 grown in YPD medium with pravastatin 150 µg/ml, atorvastatin 100 µg/ml and rosuvastatin 50 µg/ml. (b) The petite phenotype is suppressed by ergosterol. The same statins treatments as in (a) didn’t show a petite phenotype production in cells grown in a medium supplemented with ergosterol (0,5 mg/ml, YPDE). Cultures grown 24, 48 and 72 hours were plated on YPD plates and petites were counted after a replica plating on glycerol containing medium. Data are the average of 3 independent experiments and standard deviation is indicated. The asterisks indicate significant modulations (p < 0.05) according to Student’s T-test.