Figure 1. A lick/no-lick auditory discrimination task.
(A) Left, schematic diagram of a mouse performing the task under a two-photon microscope. Right, task structure. (B) Performance of an expert mouse in a representative session. Black dots represent licks. A vertical dotted line represents cue onset, and a gray line indicates the end of the response window. Circles and a cross represent correct trials and an incorrect trial, respectively. The color scheme is the same as that in panel (A). (C) Trial-averaged lick rate for hit and FA trials pooled across all trials in expert performance sessions. (D) Mouse-averaged lick latency (left) and lick rate within 1 s from cue onset (right) for hit and FA trials in expert performance sessions. Gray dots and lines represent individual mice (n = 17). (E) Learning curve for all mice (n = 17). Black dots and a line represent an average. A red dashed line represents a threshold for expert performance level (fraction correct = 0.8). (F) Trial-averaged lick rate for hit trials pooled across expert (E) and non-expert (NE) performance sessions. (G) Mouse-averaged lick latency (left) and lick rate within 1 s from cue onset (right) for hit trials in expert (E) and non-expert (NE) performance sessions. (H) Same as panel (F) but for FA trials. (I) Same as panel (G) but for FA trials. (C, F, H) Lines and shadings represent means ± s.e.m. (D, G, I) Paired t-test: *p<0.05, ***p<0.001.