(A) Extracted ROIs representing PC dendrites around the example 7+/6−, 6−/6+, 6+/5−, 5−/5+, 5+/5a−, 5a−/5a+, and 5a+/4b− boundaries that are pseudocolored and overlaid on the tdTomato image. Scale bars, 40 μm. (B) Single ROI trial-averaged traces for all the AldC compartments from the data in panel (A). Thick lines represent ROI-averaged traces. (C) Z-scored trial-averaged ΔF/F for each compartment averaged across sessions and mice, aligned from lateral to medial separately for AldC+ and AldC− compartments (n = 5, 3, 8, 9, 8, 3, and two mice, and 12, 4, 13, 15, 16, 13 and 6 sessions for 7+/6−, 6−/6+, 6+/5−, 5−/5+, 5+/5a−, 5a−/5a+ and 5a+/4b− boundaries, respectively). Vertical dashed lines delineate the lateral and medial Crus II. Horizontal dashed lines represent cue onset.