(A,B) In vivo calcium signals in response to full-field flashes recorded in layers M5 and M9/10 of Mi1 neurons. Figure shows traces before (blue) and after (red) application of 2.5 µM PTX in heterozygous GluClαDf/+ controls (A, n = 5[44]/[63]), or flies only expressing the PTX-insensitive GluClαS278T allele (GluClαS278T/GluClαDf) (B, n = 5 [49]/[47]). Sample sizes are given as number of flies (number of cells in M5/M9/10). (C) Bar plots showing the quantification of the data shown in (A,B). (D,E) In vivo calcium signals in response to full field stimulation recorded in layers M5 and M9/10 of Tm3 neurons. Shown are traces before (green) and after (red) PTX application in heterozygous GluClαDf/+ controls (D, n = 5 [33]/[30]), or flies only expressing the PTX-insensitive GluClαS278T allele (GluClαS278T/GluClαDf) (E, n = 5 [37]/[40]). Sample sizes are given as number of flies [number of cells in M5/M9/10]. (F) Bar plots showing the quantification of the normalized data from (D,E). (G,H,J,K) In vivo calcium signals in response to full-field flashes recorded in layer M9/10 of Mi1 (G,H) or Tm3 (J,K) neurons. Figure shows traces before (blue/green) and after (red) application of 100 µm PTX in heterozygous GluClαDf/+ controls (G, n = 5[54]; J, n = 4[73]), or flies only expressing the PTX-insensitive GluClαS278T allele (GluClαS278T/GluClαDf) (H, n = 6[78]; K, n = 5[57]). (I,L) Bar plots showing the quantification for Mi1 (I) and Tm3 (L). Sample sizes are shown as number of flies [number of cells]. All traces show mean ± SEM. *p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001, tested with an unbalanced two-way ANOVA, corrected for multiple comparisons in (C,F,I,L).
Figure 6—figure supplement 1—source data 1. Table 1 contains all mean ± s.e.m.