Figure 6.
The presence of the polar residue results in drastic reduction in incorporation of all rNTPs. The level of rNTP incorporation by MsDpo4-WT and variants (MsDpo4-C47T, MsDpo4-L14Y & MsDpo4-L14Y+C47T) are displayed. (A) The level of incorporation of rATP opposite template dT by MsDpo4-WT and variants is displayed. (B) The figure exhibits the level of incorporation of UTP opposite template dA by MsDpo4-WT and variants. (C) The level of incorporation of rGTP opposite template dC by MsDpo4-WT and variants is displayed. (D) The ability of MsDpo4 and variants to incorporate rCTP opposite dG is displayed. For all graphs, the error bars indicate standard deviation (n = 3). For MsDpo4, the presence of the polar filter (C47T) results in a drastic reduction in rNTP incorporation and the presence of both filters in MsDpo4 gives rise to stringent sugar selectivity.