Fig. 4.
Activation likelihood clusters for pain empathy experiments using SS pain information presented from a 1PP or 3PP during a pain > no pain condition. Regions consistently, distinctively and commonly activated during SS paradigm presented from a 1PP or 3PP. (A) ALE single map for 1PP (n = 25) in red and ALE single map for 3PP (n = 10) in blue in three-dimensional view. See Table S3 for peak coordinates and ALE values for 1PP. See Table S4 for peak coordinates and ALE values for 3PP. (B) Clusters commonly activated for both visuospatial perspectives in yellow in three-dimensional and coronal (z = 23) views. See Table 5 for peak coordinates and ALE values. Maps are superimposed on the template brain ch2better.nii.gz in MNI coordinate space using MRIcron software. Thresholds for single maps: cluster-forming P-uncorrected <0.001 and cluster-level inference <0.05. Threshold for the conjunction map: cluster-forming P-uncorrected <0.001.