Effects of PBO, RBJ, PBO + NIT, and NF-RBJ on RHI (A) and F-RHI (B) before (0 h) and 4 h after consuming a high-fat meal at the acute visit. Data are least square means ± SEM, n = 15. Means were compared with the use of the PROC MIXED procedure in SAS version 9.4. There were no significant effects of time, treatment, or interaction effect of time*treatment of RHI or F-RHI in the model. Solid color = before meal (T0), and patterned color = 4 h after meal and treatment consumption (T4). RHI, reactive hyperemia index; F-RHI, Framingham-RHI; PBO, placebo; RBJ, red beetroot juice; PBO + NIT, PBO + nitrate; NF-RBJ, nitrate-free RBJ.