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. 2019 Sep 11;34(11):2660–2668. doi: 10.1007/s11606-019-05328-5

Table 1.

Characteristics of Non-Hispanic White and Asian Respondents, Disaggregated by Subgroup, 2014–2016

White n = 19,021 Asian Americans (aggregate) n = 3077 Chinese n = 1247 Korean n = 327 Filipino n = 560 Vietnamese n = 585 Japanese n = 358
% p* % p* % p* % p* % p* % p*
Predisposing factors
    18–34 32.44 40.89 < 0.01 44.22 < 0.01 46.19 0.03 40.82 0.05 35.13 0.56 25.53 0.32
    35–64 67.66 59.11 55.78 53.81 59.18 64.87 74.47
  Female 49.21 54.22 < 0.01 53.43 0.13 61.39 0.03 52.32 0.37 51.53 0.63 61.45 0.10
    Does not have high school diploma 3.95 6.78 < 0.01 7.22 < 0.01 2.99 0.16 0.86 0.05 23.13 < 0.01 0.88 0.01
    High school diploma 19.33 15.38 12.09 16.82 15.20 23.38 10.66
    Some college 15.74 12.11 7.98 11.06 18.82 10.27 5.95
    Vocational school/AA or AS degree 12.09 6.73 4.23 6.54 9.49 4.21 13.53
    College degree or higher 48.90 59.00 68.47 62.60 55.64 39.00 68.98
  Marital status: married 51.68 53.38 0.42 51.87 0.96 54.24 0.67 50.49 0.78 59.18 0.11 61.02 0.14
Enabling factors
  Income, by federal poverty level (FPL)
    0–138% FPL 14.34 20.24 < 0.01 19.30 0.23 16.61 0.31 16.94 0.07 36.93 < 0.01 6.29 0.35
    139–249% FPL 12.27 13.86 10.89 17.18 16.68 13.25 9.97
    250–399% FPL 17.34 17.66 16.39 20.65 19.84 13.63 17.43
    400% FPL or more 56.05 48.23 53.41 45.56 46.54 36.19 66.32
  Unemployed 25.48 23.85 0.40 22.87 0.39 27.13 0.77 22.20 0.35 27.89 0.56 20.53 0.33
  Health insurance coverage
    Uninsured 7.28 10.26 0.01 9.03 0.32 10.48 0.20 10.62 0.12 12.86 0.02 8.45 0.75
    Employer-sponsored 62.84 58.63 0.03 61.33 0.63 47.63 < 0.01 63.93 0.78 46.93 < 0.01 69.30 0.27
    Medicaid 14.61 18.79 0.01 14.34 0.91 19.09 0.31 19.84 0.08 29.47 < 0.01 9.04 0.30
    Individually purchased 10.92 10.55 0.79 14.11 0.17 20.41 < 0.01 2.99 < 0.01 9.81 0.67 12.48 0.67
  Medicare 4.36 1.76 < 0.01 1.18 < 0.01 2.39 0.42 2.62 0.12 1.12 < 0.01 0.73 < 0.01
Need factors
  Fair or poor self-reported health 13.14 17.86 < 0.01 15.82 0.28 17.38 0.31 14.46 0.59 30.61 < 0.01 15.14 0.69
  One or more chronic conditions 65.73 49.14 < 0.01 43.97 < 0.01 31.98 < 0.01 66.13 0.03 37.76 < 0.01 52.85 0.10
Acculturation factors
  Born in the USA 89.78 32.16 < 0.01 30.01 < 0.01 24.18 < 0.01 36.49 < 0.01 20.81 < 0.01 70.02 < 0.01
  US citizen 96.55 77.73 < 0.01 75.01 < 0.01 60.17 < 0.01 81.66 < 0.01 87.81 < 0.01 82.72 < 0.01
  Percent of life in the USA
    0–20 1.68 14.17 < 0.01 18.92 < 0.01 14.78 < 0.01 11.29 < 0.01 12.57 < 0.01 5.03 < 0.01
    21–40 1.89 14.89 17.08 16.78 13.17 15.20 5.98
    41–60 2.25 17.78 16.31 16.89 17.52 25.08 9.68
    61–80 1.95 12.18 12.21 13.21 8.56 21.16 5.34
    81 or more 92.22 41.01 35.48 38.33 49.46 25.99 73.96
  English proficiency 99.68 82.22 < 0.01 78.89 < 0.01 74.13 < 0.01 97.26 < 0.01 60.51 < 0.01 94.81 < 0.01

*p value according to χ2 tests for differences, relative to non-Hispanic White respondents. Survey weights were applied to reflect population distributions