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. 2019 Aug 20;34(11):2451–2459. doi: 10.1007/s11606-019-05271-5

Table 3.

Experience and Capabilities of Medicare NSACO Respondents

Is comprehensively engaged in patient care planning and continuous management (n = 70) Is not comprehensively engaged in patient care planning and continuous management (n = 213) P value of difference (chi2 test)
Payment reform and collaboration experience
  Bundled or episode-based payments experience 34% 34% 0.957
  Patient-centered medical home experience 89% 83% 0.281
  Pay for performance experience 94% 86% 0.105
  Public reporting experience 89% 84% 0.429
  Capitated commercial contracts experience 46% 47% 0.902
  Other risk-bearing contracts experience 60% 57% 0.686
  Previous close collaboration between participating organizations 46% 25% 0.004
Advanced capabilities in quality performance measurement and financial rewards
  Actively monitors performance and provides clinician feedback 71% 42% < 0.001
  Comprehensive and timely financial performance 43% 24% 0.002
  Physician quality performance reported and shared 78% 71% 0.250
  Physician cost performance reported and shared 46% 53% 0.349
  One-on-one physician review and feedback 62% 63% 0.921
  Individual physician financial incentives 41% 40% 0.977
  Individual non-financial awards 25% 20% 0.383
Advanced capabilities in care management
  Chronic care management process and programs 71% 23% < 0.001
  Smooth transitions of care 50% 15% < 0.001
  Assessing provider quality and cost 40% 10% < 0.001
  Integrated behavioral health programs 31% 6% < 0.001
  Patient involvement in care decisions 48% 14% < 0.001
  Established planning of end-of-life care 41% 12% < 0.001
Advanced capabilities in quality improvement
  Use choosing wisely 35% 25% 0.144
  Use evidence-based guidelines 97% 98% 0.793
  Program to reduce preventable hospital readmissions 59% 39% 0.003
  Standardized processes and guidelines 44% 13% < 0.001
  Engaged in programs to reduce ambulatory care sensitive admissions 63% 32% < 0.001
  Assess inappropriate ED use 60% 38% 0.002
  Using disease monitoring data 76% 46% < 0.001
  Measuring patient satisfaction 67% 44% 0.002
  Clinician training in QI methods 48% 21% < 0.001
  Communication across care settings 43% 20% 0.005
Advanced capabilities in patient activation and engagement
  Most PCPs trained in patient activation and engagement methods 69% 64% 0.517
  Most PCPs work with patients to develop treatment plan 79% 71% 0.238
  Most high-risk patients engage in care transition program 80% 72% 0.201
  Most PCPs offer patients evidence-based decision aids 80% 67% 0.041
  Offer all clinicians training in shared decision-making 22% 4% 0.001
Advanced capabilities in health information technology
  Use of single EHR 20% 22% 0.772
  Meaningful use of EHR by majority of PCPs 59% 55% 0.681
  Can run predictive risk assessment and stratification 47% 35% 0.093

ED emergency department, EHR electronic health record, NSACO National Survey of Accountable Care Organizations, PCP primary care practitioner, QI quality improvement