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. 2019 Sep 24;10(6):1995–2021. doi: 10.1007/s13300-019-00693-0

Table 3.

Summary table of cardiovascular reflex tests and spectral analysis of HRV

Protocol, year (reference) Test Position Approximate time for test (mins) Apparatus used Outcome measure

The Ewing protocol



(Following order downwards)

HR response to Valsalva manoeuvre

Sitting 5 Aneroid manometer

Ratios of change in R–R intervals at two fixed points for each of the HR stimuli reflecting PNS component of ANS

BP tests denote tests reflecting SNS component of ANS

BP change by minimum amount not exceeding a maximum drop on standing

HR variation to deep breathing Sitting 2 ECG
BP response to sustained handgrip Sitting 5 Handgrip dynamometer, sphygmomanometer
Immediate HR response to standing Lying to standing 3 ECG
BP response to standing Lying to standing (Same 3 min) Sphygmomanometer

The O’Brien protocol



HR during resting (baseline resting HR variation) Lying 1 ECG Normal age-adjusted ranges for the R–R ratios calculated from changes in HR (nearest five yearly age group in a table)
HR with deep inspiration Sitting (10-s single deep breath) ECG
HR with the Valsalva manoeuvre Lying 1 ECG
Immediate HR response to standing Standing 1 ECG

Spectral analysis of HRV

(Agelink et al.)



VLF (SNS component of ANS) 0.003 to 0.04 Hz

LF (PNS and SNS component of ANS) 0.04 to 0.15 Hz

HF (PNS component of ANS) 0.15 to 0.4 Hz

Lying 10 ECG Spectral analysis computer software during a resting ECG, age- and gender-dependent normal values of each of the HRV indices

ANS autonomic nervous system, BP blood pressure, ECG electrocardiogram, HF high frequency, HR heart rate, HRV heart rate variation, LF low frequency, PNS parasympathetic nervous system, SNS sympathetic nervous system, VLF very low frequency