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. 2019 Oct 22;7(11):3784–3796. doi: 10.1002/fsn3.1240

Table 4.

Effect of γ‐aminobutyric acid (GABA) and nitrogen on GABA content in leaves in different fragrant rice genotypes (µg/g FW)

Treatment HS 15dAH MS
ZN 107.71 86.64 113.94
LN 128.58 94.32 91.73
MN 107.98 94.29 84.59
HN 119.58 91.01 116.99
ZN 23.34 11.17 7.21
LN 30.99 21.23 7.26
MN 32.81 27.22 7.22
HN 43.60 19.38 9.19
ZN 112.70 94.30 88.34
LN 118.78 116.35 106.45
MN 110.16 129.76 79.58
HN 110.25 101.03 107.46
Mean 87.21 73.89 68.33
ZN 126.06 86.50 93.09
LN 107.54 81.45 95.78
MN 135.41 84.23 85.73
HN 120.22 101.48 92.92
ZN 23.20 23.28 11.37
LN 25.42 13.32 11.13
MN 26.92 23.46 7.13
HN 37.92 15.46 9.11
ZN 111.75 123.46 136.96
LN 111.03 106.26 113.61
MN 109.41 118.07 106.13
HN 99.29 110.26 80.84
Mean 86.18 73.93 70.32
Analysis of variance
T 0.22ns 0.91ns 0.18ns
V 745.94** 127.65** 274.74**
T × V 2.87ns 0.15ns 2.15ns
N 0.27ns 0.87ns 2.23ns
T × N 0.92ns 3.45* 2.92*
V × N 1.61ns 0.50ns 1.18ns
T × V × N 0.86ns 1.50ns 2.19ns

Means with different lowercase letter(s) differ statistically at p < .05.

Abbreviations: BS, Basmati‐385; d AH: days after heading; HS, heading stage; MS: maturity stage; YG: Yugengyou14, YX, Yuxiangyouzhan,


Significant at p < .05;


Significant at p < .01; ns: non‐significant.