Figure 1.
Detecting ecDNA in DAPI-Stained Images
(A and B) Copy number amplification of EGFR in a glioblastoma cell line due to extrachromosomal DNA (ecDNA) formation.
(C and D) Copy number amplification of EGFR in a glioblastoma cell line with no ecDNA. Note that the sequence-based reconstruction does not distinguish between ecDNA (A) and homogeneously stained regions (C).
(E) Identification of ecDNA in DAPI-stained images of cells in metaphase. Although a FISH signal for EGFR is also shown, only the DAPI signals are used for calling ecDNA using the Watershed method, ecDetect, manually annotated ground truth, and ecSeg.
(F) A neural network architecture for semantic segmentation of the pixel into ecDNA, chromosomes, nuclei, and background, as described in Transparent Methods.