Examples of Instrumented Organ-on-chip Models of the Peripheral and Central Nervous System
(A and B) Extracellular activity and connectivity of compartmentalized cortical neurons via an MEA.
(C and D) Extracellular recordings of neural activity and 3D connectivity via a 3D MEA.
(E) Extracellular recordings and impedance detection to quantify firing frequency and cell adhesion of neuronal cells exposed to sodium valproic acid via an MEA and an interdigitated electrode structure.
(F) Extracellular recordings of spontaneous and stimulated autonomic neuron activity for regulating cardiac beating via an MEA.
(G) CV of myelinated and nonmyelinated sensory neurons via a microchannel-electrode approach.
(H) Single-unit action potentials and CV of intact sciatic nerves exposed to ultrasound stimuli via a multi-wire electrode array.
(I) CAP and CV of intact sciatic nerves via a microchannel-electrode approach.
(J, K, and L) (J) CAP recording in 3D rodent sensory neuron, (K) 3D myelinated rodent sensory neurons, and (L) 3D human stem cell-derived sensory neuron models via stimulating and recording wire electrodes.
Reprinted and adapted with permission from: A (Kanagasabapathi et al., 2011); B (Pan et al., 2015); C (Rowe et al., 2007); D (Musick et al., 2009); E (Koester et al., 2010a); F (Oiwa et al., 2016); G (Sakai et al., 2017); H (Chen et al., 2017); I (Gribi et al., 2018); J (Huval et al., 2015); K (Khoshakhlagh et al., 2018); and L (Sharma et al., 2019). MEA, multielectrode array; CV, conduction velocity; CAP, compound action potential.