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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2019 Nov 12.
Published in final edited form as: Lancet Oncol. 2019 Feb 28;20(4):581–590. doi: 10.1016/S1470-2045(18)30907-0

Table 1:

Patient characteristics

All patients (N=112)
Age, years 60 (48–66)
 Female 27 (24%)
 Male 85 (76%)
 White 90 (80%)
 African 18 (16%)
 Asian 1 (<1%)
 Unknown 3 (3%)
 Hypertension 60 (54%)
 Diabetes 18 (16%)
 Elevated cholesterol 24 (21%)
 Deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolism 11 (10%)
 Atrial fibrillation 10 (9%)
ECOG performance status
 0 23 (20%)
 1 59 (53%)
 2–3 11 (10%)
 Unknown 19 (17%)
Stage at diagnosis
 I–III 54 (48%)
 IV 58 (52%)
Previous nephrectomy
 No 26 (23%)
 Radical 73 (65%)
 Partial 13 (12%)
 Cytoreductive intent 35 (41%)
 Papillary 66 (59%)
 Xp11·2 translocation 17 (15%)
 Unclassified 15 (13%)
 Chromophobe 10 (9%)
 Collecting duct 4 (4%)
Sarcomatoid component
 Yes 30 (27%)
  <20% 7 (23%)
  20–70% 8 (27%)
  >70% 4 (13%)
  Unknown 11 (37%)
 No 51 (46%)
 Unknown 31 (28%)
Necrosis component
 Yes 38 (34%)
 No 25 (22%)
 Unknown 49 (44%)
Fuhrman grade
 1–2 5 (4%)
 3 35 (31%)
 4 31 (28%)
 Unknown 41 (37%)
IMDC risk group
 Favourable 9 (8%)
 Intermediate 71 (63%)
 Poor 29 (26%)
 Unknown 3 (3%)
Sites of metastasest
 Lymph nodes 95 (85%)
 Lung 66 (59%)
 Bone 49 (44%)
 Liver 42 (38%)
 Brain 6 (5%)
Number of previous systemic therapies
 0 22 (20%)
 1 31 (28%)
 2 32 (29%)
 ≥3 27 (24%)
Type of previous systemic treatment
 Tyrosine kinase inhibitor 39 (35%)
 Immunotherapy 12 (11%)
 Tyrosine kinase inhibitor and immunotherapy 36 (32%)
 Other 3 (3%)
 None 22 (20%)

Data are median (IQR) or n (%). ECOG=Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group. IMDC=International Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma Database Consortium.


The five most frequent comorbidities are shown. More than one comorbidity per patient might be included if present.

Patients might have had more than one metastatic site.