Forcing girls and women to marry
Preventing girls from attending school
Preventing women from going to health centre
Preventing an abortion or forcing women to abort
Forcing women to stay at home
Preventing women from accessing contraception
Preventing women or their families from complaining to the authorities
Preventing women from getting divorced
Controlling the resources of the home
Dominating decision‐making in the home
Scorn, denigration
Abandoning the home
Threatening to marry another woman
Reminding women they are inferior to men
Blaming a woman for bringing shame on family when she is raped
Separating a girl from her parents when she is raped
Harassing single women in the public space
Divorce because a woman is HIV‐positive
Denial of resources
Depriving a woman of or monopolising her resources (bags of millet, money)
Preventing women from working
Asking the family of a woman who wants to separate from her husband to repay twice the dowry
Prostitution of destitute women
Hitting in the face
Thrashing/beating up/beating/hurting
Slaughtering a daughter who refuses to marry the man chosen for her
Abusing Koranic school students
Kidnapping girls
Beating a daughter to death because she became illegitimately pregnant