Table C.
Clinical details of tuberculosis patients.
Sl no. | Name of the village where the TB patient lives | Smear for AFB | HIV/AIDS status | Consumption of raw milk | Clinical impression and other related investigations | Date of the investigation |
1 | Katharki | Positive, 4+. | -ve | No history | ESR 92/hr. X-ray done shows scattered diffuse infiltrations. Patient is on anti TB medicines (Rifampicin+ INH +Ethambutol +Pyrazinamide+Levofloxasin since last one month). Before that RNTPC treatment for two months. | 19th July 2017 |
2 | Avaradi | Not done | Not done | No history | Patient was treated with anti TB medicines for four months when the patient was 9 months and had clinical respiratory symptoms. Completed the treatment and since then no health problem. X-ray done normal. Haemogram done and shows low Hb (10.3%) otherwise normal. | 26th October 2015 |
3 | Avaradi | Not done – scanty sputum. | -ve | No history | ESR 50 mm/hr. X-ray shows bilateral homogenous opacity in lower lobes. Needs follow up. | 18th August 2017. |
4 | Bargi | Positive | -ve | Consumed raw milk during childhood. | Has been treated with anti TB medicines. X-ray shows non-homogenous streaky opacity in left lung, apex and infraclavicular region suggests old pulmonary Koch on 14th July 2016. 28th January 2010 dated CT scan thorax suggestive of pulmonary Koch's with endobronchial spread. | 28th January 2010. & 14th July 2016. |
5 | Bargi | Negative | -ve | Same as above | X-ray shows linear opacity in right upper zone, likely sequel to previous infection/ Koch's. Prominent Broncho Vesicular Markings (BVM) suggests bronchitis. Haemogram shows Hb is low (9%) & ESR is 20 mm/1st hour. There is strong contact history with human and animals. Needs follow up. | 17th August 2017 |