Table II.
GM Meat | GM Fish | Nano. Film | Nano. Box | Art. Meat | Art. Milk | Syn. Food Additive | |
M (SD) | M (SD) | M (SD) | M (SD) | M (SD) | M (SD) | M (SD) | |
Disgust response | 64.82a | 65.97a | 65.59a | 53.39b | 57.65b | 54.35b | 42.49c |
(30.75) | (29.93) | (30.38) | (29.37) | (31.69) | (31.15) | (29.72) | |
Risk perception | 73.37a | 74.86a | 73.91a | 65.04b | 63.73b | 59.95b | 49.34c |
(25.03) | (23.70) | (25.62) | (26.81) | (27.02) | (27.46) | (27.54) | |
Benefit perception | 26.59b | 26.66b | 27.20b | 39.80a | 37.74a | 34.93a | 36.96a |
(27.07) | (27.15) | (28.40) | (30.19) | (31.91) | (30.42) | (27.67) | |
WTE/WTD | 27.16c,d,e | 24.93d,e | 23.23e | 37.36b | 32.94b,c | 30.95b,c,d | 51.80a |
(29.17) | (27.62) | (26.51) | (30.65) | (31.69) | (30.74) | (31.09) |
Note. N = 313. For each response, the sliding scale ranged from 0 to 100. Higher values mean higher disgust responses, risk and benefit perceptions, and WTE/WTD. Different superscript letters indicate significant differences at the level of p ≤ 0.001 between cells for each column. GM, genetically modified; nano. film, edible nanotechnology coating film; nano. box, nanotechnology food box; art., artificial; syn., synthetic.