Table 4.
Study, publication year, country of origin |
Description of subjects | Number of subjects, age and sex |
MRI field strength Sequences Total scan time |
Lee et al, 14 2018, Korea | Asymptomatic subjects undergoing health check‐up | 229 subjects, mean age 52 years (range 37–73), 139 males |
1.5T Whole body: coronal T1w FS (3D SPGR), coronal T2w STIR, and sagittal T2w 20 minutes, 28 s |
Perkins et al,15 2018, USA | Asymptomatic subjects undergoing health check‐up | 209 subjects, mean age 55 years (range 20–98), 137 males |
3T Whole‐body: noncontrast, not further specified NR |
Saya et al,16 2017, UK | Asymptomatic controls with no cancer history and minimal familial cancer history | 44 subjects, median age 38 years (range 19–58), 17 males |
1.5T Whole body: axial T1w, axial T2w FS HASTE and DWIBS, and coronal T1 VIBE NR |
Ulus et al,17 2016, Turkey | Asymptomatic subjects undergoing health check‐up | 118 subjects, mean age 47.4 years (range 20–81), 71 males |
1.5T ‐ Whole body: coronal T2w HASTE and STIR, and axial T2w ‐ Upper abdomen: axial T1w in‐ and out‐of‐phase and DWI For 12 subjects intravenous contrast was used for lesion characterization 30 minutes (range 28–35) |
Tarnoki et al,19 2015, Germany | Asymptomatic subjects undergoing health check‐up | 22 subjects, mean age 47 years (±9), 18 males |
3T ‐ Whole body: coronal T1w and STIR, and axial DWIBS ‐ Large extracranial arteries: contrast‐enhanced MRA NR |
Cieszanowski et al,20 2014, Poland | Asymptomatic subjects undergoing health check‐up | 666 subjects, mean age 46.4 years (age range 20–77), 465 males |
1.5T ‐ Whole body: coronal T2w STIR ‐ Whole spine: sagittal T2w STIR ‐ Neck and trunk: Axial T2w TSE FS ‐ Brain: axial FLAIR ‐ Thorax: axial and coronal 3D T1w GE FS ‐ Abdomen: axial T2w TSE, 3D T1w GE FS, and in‐ and out‐of‐phase 50 minutes |
Hegenscheid et al,21 2013 Germany | Random sample of adults | 2500 subjects, mean age 53 years (range 21–88), 1229 males |
1.5T ‐ Whole body: coronal TIRM, and sagittal T1w, T2w, and T2w* ‐ Brain: sagittal T2, and axial T1w, FLAIR, DWI, SWI, and 3D TOF MRA ‐ Neck: axial T1w ‐ Chest: axial T1 VIBE and T2 HASTE ‐ Abdomen: axial T2w FS, T1w FLASH FS, DWI, and T1w VIBE, and coronal 3D T2w (MRCP) ‐ Pelvis: axial PDw FS ‐ Cardiac: true FISP short axis and 2‐ and 4 chamber views, cine short axis, axial and 2‐, 3‐ and 4‐chamber views, and late enhancement ‐ Large arteries (men only): pre and postcontrast T1 FLASH ‐ Breast (women only): axial TIRM, T2w, DWI, and dynamic axial 3D T1w FLASH NR |
Laible et al,11 2012, Germany |
Asymptomatic subjects undergoing health check‐up | 138 subjects, mean age 54 years (range 39–74), 118 males |
1.5T ‐ Brain: T1w, T2w, (and DWI) ‐ Thorax: half‐Fourier RARE and VIBE ‐ Abdomen: half‐Fourier RARE and FLASH ‐ Cardiac: true FISP, myocardial perfusion (saturation‐recovery true FISP), and late enhancement ‐ Large extracranial arteries: contrast‐enhanced MRA NR |
Takahara et al,22 2010, Japan | Asymptomatic subjects undergoing health check‐up | 10 subjects, mean age 61.6 years (range 52–79), 5 males |
1.5T Whole body: coronal T1w and T2w, and axial DWI NR |
Lo et al,26 2008, Hong Kong | Asymptomatic medical doctors | 132 subjects, mean age 56 years (range 38–82), 111 males |
3T ‐ Brain: axial T1w and T2w ‐ Neck: axial T2w FS ‐ Thorax: axial T1w FLASH and T2w HASTE ‐ Abdomen: axial T1w FLASH, T2w HASTE, and T1w FS ‐ Pelvis: axial T1w FLASH and T2w HASTE ‐ Spine: sagittal T2 STIR ‐ Whole body: coronal T1 FLASH 13 minutes, 31 s |
Baumgart et al,12 2007, Germany | Asymptomatic subjects undergoing health check‐up | 1007 subjects, mean age 55 years (range 40–67), 720 males |
1.5T ‐ Brain: axial pre and postcontrast T1w, axial and sag T2w, and 3D TOF MRA ‐ Large extracranial arteries: 3D contrast‐enhanced MRA ‐ Heart: standard, cine and late enhancement short and long axis views, Lungs: axial VIBE ‐ Colon: T1w colonography ‐ Prostate: T2w 60 minutes |
Goehde et al,5 2005, Germany | Asymptomatic subjects undergoing health check‐up | 298 subjects, mean age 49.7 years (range 31–73), 247 males |
1.5T ‐ Brain: axial T1w, T2w, FLAIR, DWI and 3D TOF MRA ‐ Large extracranial arteries: 3D coronal FLASH contrast‐enhanced MRA ‐ Thorax: axial HASTE ‐ Heart: CINE (true FISP) and late enhancement short axis and 2‐ and 4 chamber views ‐ Colon: axial pre and postcontrast T1 VIBE 50 minutes |
DWI: diffusion‐weighted imaging; DWIBS: diffusion‐weighted whole body imaging with background body signal suppression; FISP: fast imaging with steady state precession; FLAIR: fluid‐attenuated inversion recovery; FLASH: fast low‐angle shot; FS: fat suppression; HASTE: half‐Fourier acquired single turbo spin‐echo; MRA: magnetic resonance angiography; MRCP: magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography; PD: proton density weighted; RARE: rapid acquisition with relaxation enhancement; SPGR: spoiled gradient‐echo; SWI: susceptibility weighted imaging; T1w: T1‐weighted; T2w: T2‐weighted; TIRM: turbo inversion recovery magnitude; TOF: time‐of‐flight; VIBE: volumetric interpolated breath‐hold examination.