Figure 5. SOM-int activity suppression remains high when performance recovery is blocked in a ‘No Task’ environment.
(A–C) Example data from an individual mouse (SOM 6). (A) Cells from the sample mouse are strongly suppressed during the ‘No Task’ epoch (static black screen, no rewards). Top, position in VR track, middle, ΔF/F of sample cells, and bottom, ball speed. (B) ΔF/F of all cells from an example mouse on Day 1 of ‘No Task’ exposure showing activity suppression (mean of all cells in black). (C) Histogram of percent change in ΔF/F of SOM-ints from the example mouse on Day 1 of ‘No Task’ showing strong suppression. (n = 18). (D) Interneurons remain suppressed over several days of ‘No Task’ exposure. Histogram of percent change of all cells. (E) In ‘No Task’ exposure, SOM-ints remain suppressed in contrast to recovery during exposure to New. ( The same six mice, which are a subset of the ten mice used in Figure 2E, were exposed to No Task and New). (F) Average speed in ‘No Task’ environment increases relative to Familiar, in contrast to New. (n.s. p>0.05, *p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001 by paired sample t-test or one-sample t-test with Bonferroni-Holm corrections, N = 6, n = 116).