(A) SOM-ints most inhibited on Day 1 in New remain the most suppressed over the course of the experiment. Percent change in activity in New relative to FamAve, across 5 days, stratified by degree of suppression on Day 1. (B) Percent change in activity in ‘No Task’ session, stratified by degree of suppression on Day 1. (C) Soma location was not associated with activity suppression in New. Percent change of activity on Day 1 in New based on soma location, either stratum oriens (SO) or stratum pyramidale (SP). Most SOM-expressing bistratified interneurons have somas in SP, whereas most Oriens-lacunosum moleculare (OLM) interneurons have somas in SO. (D) Mean cell brightness was not associated with activity suppression in New. Percent change of activity on Day 1 in New versus mean cell brightness. (E) Soma cell size was not associated with activity suppression in New. Percent change of activity on Day 1 of New versus cell size. (F) SOM-int activity correlation with locomotion was not associated with activity suppression in New. Percent change of activity on Day 1 in New versus phase angle of the Hilbert transform for the correlation between stop-triggered mean activity and running speed for each cell. Cells with a positive activity correlation with locomotion have a phase angle near 0, whereas those that are anti-correlated (activated by immobility) are shifted ~180° or π radians. (G) GLM model fit was not associated with activity suppression in New. Percent change of activity on Day 1 in New versus RMS error of model fit to actual cellular ΔF/F in Fam. (H) Percent change of activity on Day 1 in New versus R2 of model fit to actual cellular ΔF/F in Fam. (I) There is no association between cell proximity and strength of response to New (p>0.99). (J) Closer cells have more correlated activity (Spearman Rho −0.1, p<0.001). (A–H: N = 10, n = 209. A, B: vertical bars are binned mean with s.e.m., horizonal is connecting line. I, J: N = 10, n = 1793 cell pairs, vertical bars are binned mean with s.d., horizonal is connecting line.)