Table 1. Variables used for MaxEnt modeling of Culex pipiens distribution in Ardabil province, northwest of Iran.
Variables | Description | Contribution, % |
Bio1 | Annual mean temperature (oC) | 0.0 |
Bio2 | Mean diurnal range: mean of monthly (max temp–min temp) (oC) | 0.0 |
Bio3 | Isothermality: (Bio2/Bio7 × 100) | 6.8 |
Bio4 | Temperature seasonality (SD × 100) | 0.0 |
Bio5 | Maximum temperature of the warmest month (oC) | 21.2 |
Bio6 | Minimum temperature of the coldest month (oC) | 0.0 |
Bio7 | Temperature annual range (Bio5–Bio6) (oC) | 3.2 |
Bio8 | Mean temperature of wettest quarter (oC) | 2.1 |
Bio9 | Mean temperature of driest quarter (oC) | 0.0 |
Bio10 | Mean temperature of warmest quarter (oC) | 0.0 |
Bio11 | Mean temperature of coldest quarter (oC) | 0.0 |
Bio12 | Annual precipitation (mm) | 0.1 |
Bio13 | Precipitation of wettest month (mm) | 1.7 |
Bio14 | Precipitation of driest month (mm) | 0.0 |
Bio15 | Precipitation seasonality (coefficient of variation) | 6.2 |
Bio16 | Precipitation of wettest quarter (mm) | 7.0 |
Bio17 | Precipitation of driest quarter (mm) | 0.0 |
Bio18 | Precipitation of warmest quarter (mm) | 0.0 |
Bio19 | Precipitation of coldest quarter (mm) | 21.9 |
Altitude | Elevation from the sea level (Beiranvand R, #1) | 3.6 |
Slope | Slope of the area (%) | 17.7 |
Aspect | Direction of slope (degree) | 6.9 |
NDVI | -1 to +1 | 2.1 |
NDVI: normalized difference vegetation index.