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. 2019 Nov 6;10:807. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2019.00807

Table 8.

Prediction of treatment modality, Outpatients (n = 96) and Residential (n = 30), as function of Parental Bonding Instrument’s (PBI) dimensions and Relationship Questionnaire’s attachment categories.

Outpatients Residential
M SD M SD B Wald statistic Exp(B)
PBI Care M 22.05 8.34 19.43 8.45 .00 .01 1.00
PBI Over-Protection M 20.19 7.03 14.60 5.88 –.20 14.11** .82
PBI Care F 19.21 8.34 14.17 8.91 –.11 7.33** .90
PBI Over-Protection F 16.09 7.55 13.90 9.41 .03 .80 1.03
Attachment in Close Relationshipa 7.65 b
 Preoccupied –.22 .09 .80
 Fearful/avoidant .65 .57 1.92
 Dismissing/avoidant 1.47 3.87* 4.34

athe reference category is that of “secure attachment”; * p<.05; ** p<.01; b p=.05

M, Mean; SD, Standard Deviation; B, logistic regression coefficient; Exp(B), odds ratio; PBI Care M, Parental Bonding Instrument Mother Care; PBI Over-Protection M, Parental Bonding Instrument Mother Over-Protection; PBI Care F, Parental Bonding Instrument Father Care; Over-Protection F, Parental Bonding Instrument Father Over-Protection; Preoccupied, Preoccupied type of Attachment in Close Relationship; Fearful/avoidant, Fearful/Avoidant type of Attachment in Close Relationship; Dismissing/avoidant, Dismissing/Avoidant type of Attachment in Close Relationship.