Backward steps in ATPγS-driven rotation of WT EhV1 in the presence of ADP.
A, typical time course of EhV1 rotation at 10 μm ATPγS in the presence of 100 μm ADP. Backward steps are indicated by black arrowheads. The x-y trajectory and expanded time courses are shown in insets. In the expanded time course, the regions of red and blue indicate the angular position of the main pause and the subpause, respectively. B, the schematic of backward and recovery steps. The pauses before the −80° backward step (green lines), before the +80° recovery step after the −80° backward step (purple), before the −40° backward step (orange), before the +40° recovery step (red), and before the +80° recovery step after the +40° recovery step (blue) are shown. C, [ADP] dependences of time constants, mean and median values of the pauses shown in B at 10 μm ATPγS in the presence of 1, 10, and 100 μm ADP. D, [ATPγS] dependences of time constants, mean and median values of the pauses shown in B at 10, 30, and 100 μm ATPγS in the presence of 300 μm ADP. The distributions of pause durations are shown in Fig. S4. Error bars, S.D.