Fig. 5.
Initiation/propagation of aortic dissections due to shear stresses: (a)-(c) cracks visible after a block shear test, where the white areas are openings in the tissue. Reprinted from Haslach, Jr. et al. [47] with permission from Springer Nature; (a), (b) are slices in the circumferential-longitudinal plane where the horizontal direction is longitudinal - (a) circumferential deformation parallel to the collagen fibers and (b) longitudinal deformation; (c) slice in the radial-circumferential plane after circumferential deformation, where the horizontal direction is circumferential; (d) cracks visible as black zones between the lamellae in the radial-circumferential plane after an in-plane shear test in the circumferential direction. Reprinted from Sommer et al. [131], with permission from Elsevier; (e) cracks that occurred during a uniaxial test indicated by black arrows. Reprinted from Helfenstein-Didier et al. [50], with permission from Elsevier.