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. 2019 Nov 12;39(11):BSR20190369. doi: 10.1042/BSR20190369

Table 1. Baseline characteristics of nine randomized controlled trials in this meta-analysis.

First author Year Country Cancer Trial Population characteristics 25(OH)D level at baseline and follow-up Eligibility criteria on supplement use Trial duration (months) Contrast Vit D3 dose Ca dose
Daksha P. Trivedi 2003 U.K. All cancer NA General population aged 65–85 years Intervention: NA to 74.4 nmol/l at 4 years; control: NA to 53.4 nmol/l at 4 years Exclude Vit D supplement users 70 Vit D3 vs placebo 100000 IU per 4 months over 5 years NA
Jean Wactawski-Wende 2006 U.S.A. Colorectal cancer NCT00000611 Postmenopausal women aged 50–79 years NA Allow for non-protocol supplement of Vit D up to 600IU per day; of Ca up to 1000 mg per day 84 Vit D3 plus Ca vs placebo 400 IU per day for 7 years 1000 mg per day for 7 years
Joan M. Lappe 2007 U.S.A. All cancer except skin cancer NCT00352170 Healthy postmenopausal women aged >55 years Intervention: 71.8–96 nmol/l at 1 year; control: 72.1 to 71.1 nmol/l at 1 year Not specified 48 Vit D3 plus Ca vs placebo 1100 IU per day 1500 mg per day
Alison Avenell 2012 U.K. All cancer RECORD Trial 70 years and older with previous low-trauma fracture Intervention: 38-62 nmol/l at 1 year; control: 38 to NA nmol/l Allow for non-protocol supplement of Vit D up to 200IU per day; of Ca up to 500 mg per day 98 Vit D3 (w/t, w/o Ca) vs no Vit D3 (w/t, w/o Ca) 800 IU per day for 24-62 months 1000 mg per day
John A. Baron 2015 U.S.A. Colorectal adenomas NA Age 45–75 years with at least one colorectal adenoma removed within 120 days before enrollment and had no remaining polyps after a complete colonoscopy NA Allow for non-protocol supplement of Vit D up to 1000IU per day; of Ca up to 400 mg per day; Excluded patients with 25(OH)D level lower than 12 ng/ml or higher than 90 ng/ml 113 Vit D3 plus Ca vs placebo 1000 IU per day 1200 mg per day
Hans-Christian Pommergaard 2015 Europe, Russia, U.S.A. Colorectal adenomas NCT00486512 Patients with one or more sporadic adenomas removed from the colon or rectum within the last 3 months NA Exclude Vit D supplement users 72 Calcitriol vs placebo 0.5 μg per day for 3 years NA
Joan M. Lappe 2017 U.S.A. All cancer except nonmelanoma skin cancer NA (NCT01052051) Postmenopausal women aged ≥55 years Intervention: 33.0-42.5 ng/ml; control: 32.7–30.9 ng/ml Allow for non-protocol supplement of Vit D up to 800IU per day; of Ca up to 1500 mg per day 48 Vit D3 plus Ca vs placebo 2000 IU per day 1500 mg per day
Tadashi Akiba 2018 Japan stage IA-IIIA NSCLC UMIN Age: 20–75 years Intervention: 21-39 ng/mL; control: 22-24 ng/mL Exclude Vit D supplement users 96 Vit D3 vs placebo 1200 IU per day for 12 months NA
Robert Scragg 2018 U.S.A. All cancer except nonmelanoma skin cancer ViDA study Age: 50–84 years Intervention: NA to 25.5 ng/ml; control: NA to 25.2 ng/ml Exclude Vit D supplement users 57 Vit D3 vs placebo initial bolus dose of 200000 IU and followed by monthly doses of 100000 IU for a median of 3.3 years (2.5–4.2 years) NA+A1:N10
JoAnn E. Manson 2018 U.S.A. All cancer NCT01169259 General population with men aged 50 years or older and women aged 55 years or older Intervention: 74–104 nmol/l at 1 year/ control: NA Allowed for non-protocol supplement of Vit D up to 800IU per day 73 Vit D3 vs placebo 2000 IU per day for 5 years NA

Abbreviations: Ca, calcium; NA, not available; NSCLC, non-small-cell lung cancer; Vit D, vitamin D; w/t, with; w/o, without.