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. 2019 Jul 26;40(16):4669–4685. doi: 10.1002/hbm.24729

Table 2.

Processing features of fully automated toolboxes

ALI Voxel‐based GNB classification (lesion_gnb) LINDA
Compatible operating systems Windows, Linux, Mac Windows, Linux, Mac Windows 10+, Linux, Mac
Platform dependencies MATLAB, SPM5+ MATLAB 2014b+ (requires statistics and machine learning toolbox), SPM12+ R v.3.0+, ANTsR package
Year developed 2007 2015 2016
Open source No Yes Yes
Learning type Unsupervised Supervised Supervised
Training dataset Requires user to provide segmented healthy training dataset Provided (trained on 30 LHS subjects) Provided (trained on 60 LHS subjects)
Amenable to left or right hemisphere lesions Yes Yes, provided that the user indicates which hemisphere first No, right hemisphere lesions must be flipped
Template brain space ICBM152 ICBM152 Colin 27 template
User‐defined parameters Sensitivity (tuning factor), fuzziness index in fuzzy means clustering algorithm, threshold probability and size for the extra class prior Optional smoothing, smoothing kernel, minimum cluster size, implicit masking while smoothing None
Optional postprocessing steps None Resegmentation with a tissue prior None

Abbreviations: ALI, automated lesion identification; GNB, Gaussian naïve Bayes; lesionGnb, Gaussian naïve Bayes lesion detection; LHS, left hemisphere stroke; LINDA, lesion identification with neighborhood data analysis.