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. 2019 Aug 6;38(8):2273–2279. doi: 10.1002/nau.24131

Table 1.

Baseline characteristics of the study population

Control Intervention
(N = 113) (N = 54) P value
Mean | SD 65.2 | 13.5 62.7 | 10.9 .243
≤60 31 (27.4) 24 (44.4)
60‐70 31 (27.4) 12 (22.2)
≥70 51 (45.1) 18 (33.3)
Mean | SD 19.0 (6.3) 17.7 (6.1) .232
Mild (0‐7) 5 (4.4) 3 (5.6)
Moderate (8‐19) 58 (51.3) 29 (53.7)
Severe (>20) 50 (44.2) 22 (40.7)
Median | IQR 4.0 | 2.0 4.0 | 2.0 .604
Median | IQR 40.0 | 26.7 38.3 | 30.0 .625
None or elementary school only 14 (12.4) 4 (7.4) .666
Lower education 32 (28.3) 13 (24.1)
Secondary education 27 (23.9) 14 (24.6)
Higher education 40 (35.4) 23 (42.6)
Median | IQR 24.0 | 10.0 29.0 | 8.3 .004
One or more 53 (46.9) 21 (38.9) .405
Cardiovascular diseases 31 (27.4) 12 (22.2)
Diabetes Mellitus 18 (15.9) 8 (14.8)
Parkinson disease 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0)
COPD 9 (8.0) 5 (9.3)
Sleep apnoea 16 (14.2) 4 (7.4)
CVA 4 (3.5) 2 (3.7)
Treatment by GP 73 (64.6) 29 (53.7) 0.235
Median | IQR 26.2 | 5.4 26.0 | 4.4 0.640
≤25 43 (38.1) 16 (29.6)
25‐30 53 (46.9) 27 (50.0)
≥30 17 (15.0) 10 (18.5)

Note: Outcomes are presented as frequencies and percentages unless otherwise stated.

Abbreviations: BMI, body mass index; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; CVA, cerebrovascular accident; eHEALS, eHealth literacy scale; GP, general practitioner; IPSS, International Prostate Symptom Score; IQR, interquartile range; OABq, Overactive Bladder Questionnaire; QoL, quality of life; SD, standard deviation.