A.Mesophilic aerobic respiration of glucose (C6H12O6) in a freshwater ecosystem |
1. Glucose(aq) + 6O2(aq) = 6CO2(aq) + 6H2O(A) |
2. 25 °C, I = 0.01 m, pH 7, [glucose] = 1 μm, dissolved oxygen and dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) at saturation with the atmosphere ([O2] = 259 μm, [DIC] = [CO2] + [HCO3
−] = 220 μm). |
3. Considering CO2(aq) + H2O = H+ + HCO3
−, with = 36.22 kJ/mol and the corresponding equilibrium constant (K
r) equal to 4.51 × 10−7, then = 0.22 . |
4. Activity coefficients (γ) from Table 1 for glucose (1.00), O2 (1.00), CO2 (1.00). |
5. Using thermodynamic data at 25 °C, is −2922.3 kJ/mol. Using Equations 5, 7, and parameters given in Steps 2–4, QA is 0.884. ΔGA calculated with Equation (1) is then −2917.6 kJ/mol. |
B. Psychrophilic anaerobic respiration (with sulphate) of acetate in marine sediments |
1. CH3COO− + SO4
2− = 2HCO3
− + HS−(B) |
2. 10 °C, I = 0.7 m, pH 8.1, [total sulphate] = 28 mm, [total acetate] = [DIC] = 10 mm, [total sulphide] = 1 μm. |
3. At these conditions, [SO4
2−] = 18.1mm, [CH3COO−] = 7.7 mm, [HCO3
−] = 6.1 mm, [HS−] ≈ [total sulphide]. |
4. Activity coefficients (γ) from Table 1 for SO4
2− (0.16), acetate− (0.66), HCO3
− (0.66), HS− (0.66). |
5. Using thermodynamic data at 10 °C, is −45.8 kJ/mol. Using Equations 5, 7, and parameters given in Steps 2–4, QB is 10–6.13. ΔGB calculated with Equation (1) is then equal to −79.0 kJ/mol. |
C. Thermophilic methanogenesis in a 2‐phase (gas + aqueous) laboratory experiment |
1. CO2(g) + 4H2(g) = CH4(aq) + 2H2O(C) |
2. 85 °C, I = 0.01 m, pH 6.5, = 0.2 bar, = 0.8 bar, [CH4] = 1 μm. |
3. If and are maintained at 0.2 bar and 0.8 bar, respectively, speciation calculations are not necessary. |
4. Fugacity coefficients (λ) for CO2 (1.00) and H2 (1.00) and activity coefficient (γ) for CH4 (1.00) interpolated from information in Table 1. |
5. Using thermodynamic data at 85 °C, is −85.2 kJ/mol. Using Equations 5, 7 and parameters given in Steps 2–4, QC is 10–4.91. ΔGC calculated with Equation (1) is then equal to −118.9 kJ/mol. |
D. Mesophilic anaerobic ammonia oxidation (anammox) in a wastewater reactor |
1. NH4
+ + NO2
− = N2(g) + 2H2O(D) |
2. 36°C, I = 0.5 m, pH 7, [total ammonia] = 7.1 mm, [total nitrite] = 1.8 mm, = 0.1 bar. |
3. At these conditions, [NH4
+] ≈ [total ammonia], [NO2
−] ≈ [total nitrite]. |
4. Activity coefficients (γ) for NH4
+ (0.69) and NO2
− (0.69) and fugacity coefficient (λ) for N2 (1.00) interpolated from information in Table 1. |
5. Using thermodynamic data at 36 °C, is −364.2 kJ/mol. Using Equations 5, 7 and parameters given in Steps 2–4, QD is 104.26. ΔGD calculated with Equation (1) is then equal to −339.3 kJ/mol. |
E. Mesophilic aerobic pyrite oxidation in acid mine drainage |
1. FeS2(py) + 3.5O2(g) + H2O = Fe2+ + 2HSO4
−(E) |
2. 25 °C, I = 0.5 m, pH 1, dissolved oxygen at saturation with the atmosphere ([O2] = 259 μm), [Fe2+] = 0.026 μm, [HSO4
−] = 0.149 μm. |
3. Considering HSO4
− = H+ + SO4
2−, with = 11.30 kJ/mol and the corresponding equilibrium constant (K
r) equal to 1.05 × 10−2, then = 9.55 . |
4. Activity coefficients (γ) for Fe2+ (0.28), HSO4
− (0.67) and fugacity coefficient (λ) for O2 (1.00) interpolated from information in Table 1. |
5. Using thermodynamic data at 25 °C, is −1205.6 kJ/mol. Using Equations 5, 7 and parameters given in Steps 2–4, QE is 108.41. ΔGE calculated with Equation (1) is then equal to −1157.7 kJ/mol. |