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. 2019 Jul 22;60(9):1908–1920. doi: 10.1111/epi.16296

Table 1.

Patient characteristics

Pt Sex Age surgery, y Epilepsy duration Side Location Pathology Follow‐up, mo Engel class AED free Channels, n Resected channels, n Spikes in ioECoG overall Epochs with Sp/Ri/FR, n
1 F 1 1 y L TO GM WHO II 18 IA Yes 17 13 Spikes Gr3, 4, 6‐8, 11‐14, 18‐19 2/0/0
2 F 3 2 y L T GGM WHO I 30 IA Yes 17 13 Sharp waves Gr6‐8, 16, 18, 19; bursts Gr18 0/0/0
3 M 8 8 y L Fr FCD 2A 31 IA Yes 18 10 0/0/0
4 M 9 8 y R Fr FCD 2B~ 32 IA Yes 31 16 Spikes Gr1, 2, 9, 17, 20, 26, 27 4/3/0
5 F 12 1 y L Fr FCD 2A 38 IA Yes 15 10 Spikes Gr2‐5, 7‐10, 12 3/1/0
6 M 12 1 y R Fr DNET WHO I 49 IA Yes 17 4 0/0/0
7 M 14 12 y R Fr FCD 2B 25 IA Yes 16 10 Continuous Gr8‐10, 12‐15, 17‐20 4/4/4
8 M 16 2 y L T GGM WHO II 25 IA Mono 16 10 Spikes Gr2‐4, 6‐8, 10 0/0/0
9 M 17 5 y R T FCD 2B 12 IA Yes 18 4 Bursts Gr7‐9, 12‐14, 19 3/2/2
10 F 20 5 y R T PXA WHO II 15 IA Yes 18 7 0/0/0
11 M 41 40 y R Fr FCD 2B 36 IA Yes 19 6 Spikes Gr1, 2, 6, 7, 11 0/0/0
12 F 5 3 y R Fr FCD 2B~ 20 IA Mono 15 8 Bursts Gr6, 7, 12, 13 0/0/0
13 M 11 3 y R C mMCD II 57 IVB Poly 20 9 Bursts Gr2‐4, 7, 8, 12‐15, 17‐20 3/3/3
14 M 12 1 y R Fr GGM WHO I 79 IIA Mono 17 3 0/0/0
15 M 44 19 y R PC mMCD II 53 IVB Poly 20 (+20) 10 (0) Continuous Gr6‐8, 10, 12‐14, 17‐18 4/4/4
(Continuous Gr1, 10, 12, 18) (4/4/4)
16 M 14 2 y L C DNET WHO I 87 IB Yes 19 4 Spikes Gr7, 8, 10, 12, 13, 16, 17 4/4/1
17 M 13 1 y L P FCD 2B~ 40 IVB Poly 20 (+18) 9 (0) Continuous Gr7‐15, 19, 20 4/4/4
(Continuous Gr12‐14, 16‐18) (4/4/4)
18 F 3 6 wk L T FCD 1A 12a IIIA Mono 20 8 Spikes Gr1‐3, 6‐9, 12‐14, 18, 19 4/4/2

Note. Numbers in parentheses represent numbers of channels and resected channels in postresection recording.

Abbreviations: ~, in the context of tuberosclerosis complex; AED, antiepileptic drug; C, central; DNET, dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumor; F, female; FCD, focal cortical dysplasia; FR, fast ripple; Fr, frontal; GGM, ganglioglioma; GM, glioma; ioECoG, intraoperative electrocorticography; L, left; M, male; mMCD, mild malformation of cortical development; P, parietal; PC, parieto‐central; Pt, patient; PXA, pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma; R, right; Ri, ripple; Sp, spike; T, temporal; TO, temporo‐occipital; WHO, World Health Organization grade.


This patient had a hemispherectomy 1 year after the first surgery and became seizure‐free afterward.