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. 2019 May 23;29(5):e01895. doi: 10.1002/eap.1895

Figure 4.

Figure 4

Predicted densities for each stressor based on the best disturbance model(s) for species that had interactive cumulative effects models: (A) American Robin (AMRO), (B) Black‐capped Chickadee (BCCH), (C) Common Raven (CORA), (D) Dark‐eyed Junco (DEJU), (E) Hermit thrush (HETH), (F) Lincoln's Sparrow (LISP), (G) Ovenbird (OVEN), (H) Rose‐breasted Grosbeak (RBGR), (I) Red‐breasted Nuthatch (RBNU), (J) Red‐eyed Vireo (REVI), and (K) Yellow‐bellied Sapsucker (YBSA). The top row shows the best interactive cumulative effects models with ±90% confidence envelopes, while the bottom row shows a comparison of interactive models (solid line) with complementary additive models (dashed line). The x‐axis is the range of stressor percent cover values observed in this study. The predicted densities for each stressor are calculated while holding all other model predictors constant at their mean values.