Correlations between DTI parameters after birth and cognitive scores at ages 1 and 2. Unadjusted correlations are shown between AD (a), RD (c), and FA (e) in neonates and general cognitive ability (ELC), gross motor (GM), fine motor (FM), expressive language (EL), receptive language (RL), and visual reception (VR) scores at ages 1 and 2. Adjusted correlations (corrected for gestational age at birth, sex, gestation number, maternal education, age at testing, MSEL test date, and scanner variables) between WM in the neonatal period and cognitive scores at ages 1 and 2 are shown for AD (b), RD (d), and FA (f). Colors represent Pearson's correlation values where brighter colors represent negative correlations and darker colors represent positive correlations; correlations that were nonsignificant after FDR correction are set to zero and shown as white [Color figure can be viewed at]