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Table I.

Current diagnostic methods for hiatal hernia.

Diagnostic technique Evaluation Warnings
Barium swallow X-ray
size, location of hernia, motility dysfunction, stenosis, stricture related to GERD, short esophagus diagnosis contraindicated in pregnancy, barium or iodine hypersensitivity, exposure to radiation
analysis of esophageal mucosa, erosive esophagitis, Barrett’s esophagus, malignancy, Cameron’s ulcers, swallowing difficulty air insufflation of the stomach may exaggerate hernia size, difficulty to assess massive hernias accurately
integrity of esophageal peristaltis, motility disorders, achalasia difficulty in placing manometry catheter
pH testing
quantitative analysis of reflux episodes
gastric volvulus, perforation, pneumoperitoneum, pneumomediastinum unable to exactly define the configuration of the hernia, exposure to radiation