Mecp2 regulates the transcripts controlling myofibroblast DNA replication, cell cycle and integrity, metabolism, and fibrogenesis. (A) Western blot for Mecp2 in HSCs from WT or Mecp2–/y mice. Schematic showing the samples used for lncRNA microarray and RNA microarray. (B) Volcano plot and heatmap displaying results of mRNA microarray performed on activated HSCs isolated from 3 control and 3 Mecp2–/y mice. (C) Representation of the groups with 2-fold or greater change in gene expression after the KEGG pathway enrichment analysis. (D) Top significantly enriched canonical pathway identified by IPA, showing cell cycle control of chromosomal replication. Blue nodes signify down-regulated gene Mecp2–/y fibroblasts; red signifies up-regulation. Symbol shapes signify the nature of the encoded protein, and unshaded symbols signify genes relevant to the pathway but not differentially expressed in our data set.