Fig. 3. Time series components by GAMs of the tropospheric NO2 column over Beijing.
a NO2 daily series of both OMI-measured and GAM-fitted data, as indicated by black dots and a green line, respectively. b The bar plot of the daily series of accumulated meteorological smooth terms, i.e., S(meteos), where positive and negative S(meteos) are indicated with red and blue, respectively, while the black solid line denotes the smoothed series using a moving average with a window of 15 days. c same as b but for the non-meteorological terms, i.e., S(non-meteos). d Interannual series of S(meteos), S(non-meteos), and relative NOx variation compared to the overall mean, as shown with red, green, and blue dotted lines, respectively, while the triangular dots denote the MEIC NOx emissions over Beijing, corresponding to the right y-axis