Map of Roskilde Fjord, the sampling stations, and a NMDS based on Bray–Curtis dissimilarity of all OTUs. The sites were grouped as “inner estuary” (marine station 1; red dots), “outer estuary” (marine stations 2 and 3; blue dots and blue dots with a black border, respectively), and streams (all five stream sites; yellow dots). Each dot in the NMDS denotes a sampling occasion. For the marine stations, open symbols denote samples taken at 1 m depth while the cross symbols denote samples taken at 4 m depth. Observations are labeled with their month of sampling: August (A), June (Jn), July (Jl), October (O), and November (N). Three streams discharge to the inner estuary (1-Boserup, 2-Lejre, and 5-Vaerebro) and two streams discharge to the outer estuary (3-Havelse and 4-Langsø). The map layer is OpenStreetMap©.