FIG 4.
Chemical inhibition and rescue of R. parkeri growth. (A) Graph of R. parkeri genome copy numbers in the presence of various concentrations of pitavastatin, without or with mevalonate. Two independent biological replicates were performed, but four technical replicates from a single experiment are shown for simplicity. Error bars represent standard deviations. Statistical comparisons were done by an unpaired Student's t test for each concentration of pitavastatin for the wild type versus the wild type with mevalonate supplementation (ns, not significant; ***, P < 0.001; ****, P < 0.0001). R.p., R. parkeri. (B) Dose-dependent growth inhibition of R. parkeri in the presence of the indicated drugs targeting the MEV or MEP pathway enzymes or of tetracycline, normalized to that of a no-drug control. Fosmidomycin and alendronate failed to generate fit curves.