Figure 3: VEGFA levels are suppressed in umbilical cord lysates in association with fetal-placental, maternal, labour & delivery and neonatal variables.
Bars are mean ± SEM. N values are listed below bars. * = p < 0.05, *** = p < 0.001. ABNORMAL = any neonatal abnormality, ASTHMA = maternal asthma, CHORIO = chorioamnionitis, C-SECT = current caesarean section, C-SECT R = repeat caesarean section, GENITALS = abnormalities of the neonatal genitalia, GON = gonococcus infections, MEC = meconium passage in utero, MEMB = membrane rupture, NICU = neonate admitted to the NICU, OLIGO = oligohydramnios, PREM B = premature birth, PREM L = premature labour, PROM = premature rupture of the membranes, VAG BLEED = maternal vaginal bleeding prior to birth.