Increased expression of nuclear receptors, GR, PXR and CAR in epileptic region selectively correlates to tight-junction proteins. (a, b) Representative western blots for individual proteins (a) and corresponding densitometric analysis (b) shows a significant increase in GR (*p < 0.001), PXR (*p < 0.001) and CAR expression (*p = 0.001) in EPI regions compared to NON-EPI (n = 16 subjects). Non-parametric analysis for paired samples Wilcoxon signed rank test was performed for direct comparison of two population of data set obtained. Results are expressed as mean ± SEM. (c-e) The association between the EPI to NON-EPI difference in observed expression (Δ) of nuclear receptors GR, PXR and CAR to tight-junction proteins occludin, claudin-1 and claudin-5 is explored within individual subjects (n = 16). Change in GR percentage trended towards a relationship (p = 0.13, r = 0.395) with the change in occludin levels in EPI vs NON-EPI (c); however change in PXR within EPI and NON-EPI regions has a direct correlation to claudin-1 in the same areas (*p = 0.027, r = 0.55), which is statistically significant (d). CAR levels did not correlate with tight-junction proteins (occludin, p = 0.48, r = −0.19; claudin-1, p = 0.40, r = −0.22; claudin-5, p = 0.39, r = −0.23) within the specimens analyzed. The linear correlation (Pearson’s co-efficient, r) for each comparison was determined by one-way ANOVA.