Effect of TB and PE-TB
on behavior of transgenic Drosophila. (A) Transgenic
flies were exposed to TB and PE-TB for various time
points at different stages of life cycle to study their effect in
restoring memory deficit, locomotory dysfunction, and viability. (B)
Results suggest the effect of various concentrations of TB and PE-TB
on feeding behavior of flies. PE-TB was found to be more potent than
non-photo-excited TB. (C) E14 Tau flies were exposed to various concentrations
of TB to analyze changes in olfactory sensation by avoiding the bad
odor of quinine. The 5 μM concentration of PE-TB demonstrated
appreciable potency in restoring the olfaction. (D) Negative geotaxis
assay was performed to examine the effect of TB on locomotion of flies.
The bell-shaped graph indicated 5 μM PE-TB to be effective in
rescuing the locomotory system of E14 Tau Drosophila. (E) Data indicates 5 μM TB to have appreciable effect on
the survival rate of transgenic flies. The significance was calculated
using Student’s t-test in SigmaPlot 10.0, where *p < 0.05, **p < 0.001, and ***p < 0.0001, the statistical difference between control
and treated groups before photoexcitation, and #p < 0.05, ##p < 0.001,
and ###p < 0.0001, the statistical
difference between control and treated groups after photoexcitation.