EV miR-10a derived from MM-BMSCs transferred to MM cells and enhanced MM cell proliferation. (A) Viabilities of RPMI 8226 cells cultured with EV fractions isolated from conditioned medium of normal-BMSCs (normal-BMSC–EVs, n = 2), MM-BMSCs (MM-BMSC–EVs, n = 21), or MM-BMSCs treated with 1 µM of FTY720 (MM-BMSC/FTY720–EVs, n = 21) for 48 hours. Data represent fold increases compared with normal-BMSC–EVs ± standard deviation. *Normal-BMSC–EVs vs MM-BMSC–EVs, P < .05. #MM-BMSC–EVs vs MM-BMSC/FTY720–EVs, P < .01. (B) RPMI 8226 cells treated with EVs directly transfected with Cy3–miR-10a mimic for 48 hours. Nuclear and cytoplasmic staining with DAPI (blue) and calcein AM (green), respectively. Scale bar, 20 µm. (C) Expression levels of miR-10a in RPMI 8226, KMS-11, and U266 MM cells transfected with negative control-miR or miR-10a mimic for 48 hours, measured by using quantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction. Data represent fold increases compared with control (Nega-miR) ± standard deviation. (D) Numbers of MM cells transfected with miR-10a mimic on days 1, 3, 5, and 7 according to flow cytometry. Data are mean concentrations of viable cells ± standard deviation determined in 3 separate experiments. *P < .01, **P < .001 vs control (with Nega-miR). (E) Viabilities of RPMI 8226 cells cultured with EV fractions isolated from conditioned medium of normal-BMSCs (normal-BMSC–EVs, n = 2) or MM-BMSCs (MM-BMSC–EVs, n = 21) transfected with 10 nM of negative control-miR (Nega-miR) or 10 nM anti–miR-10a inhibitor for 48 hours. Data represent fold increases compared with Nega-miR–transfected normal-BMSC–EVs ± standard deviation. (F) Viabilities of RPMI 8226 cells treated with EVs directly transfected with anti–miR-10a inhibitor for 48 hours. Data represent fold increases compared with anti–miR-10a inhibitor-transfected EVs of MM-BMSCs ± standard deviation.