Effect of current rise time on the measured adaptation percentage. A, With the hair-bundle creep masking the fast-current decays, the current rise time could lengthen. Therefore, a cell with a long current rise time when using a step-like force stimulus would have a shorter current rise time with a step-like displacement stimulus. With a long current rise time, adding an exponential decay function to the curve may only shorten the current rise time (left), but adding the same exponential decay function to a short current rise time results in current decay. The exponential decay function is similar to what the modified stimulus may do to achieve a step-like displacement. B, For step-like displacements, there was also an inverse correlation between the total adaptation at 5 ms and the time to peak current as seen in the plot of the percentage adaptation at 5 ms versus the base 10 log of the time to peak current for step-like displacement stimulation at negative (black circle) and positive potentials (red x). Pearson's correlation coefficient = −0.80, p = 0.0011. The inverse correlation may account for the nonsignificant differences between the total adaptation at 5 ms between negative and positive potentials for step-like displacements (Fig. 5C), because at negative potentials, shorter times to peak current tended to be observed (Fig. 5E).