Toluene disrupts PrL mPFC pyramidal activity responsible for predicting preferred choice and encoding consumption during probabilistic discounting. A, Aggregate calcium response (8 rats; 1081 trials) during entire probabilistic discounting task on toluene-treated test days. Lines represent average ± SEM ΔF/F for safe choice/win (green), risky choice/win (blue), and risky loss (pink). An increase in calcium activity was detected during deliberation, ∼1.5 s before choice (shaded column throughout figure). B, Average Z-normalized ΔF/F (left) and consumption time (right) during choice outcome for each rat with paired comparison: safe win versus risky win, ∧p < 0.05; risky loss versus safe win or risky win, *p < 0.05. C, Traces during deliberation were sorted on probability of rewarded risky choice (i.e., 100, 50, 25, 12.5, and 6.25%) and choice type (i.e., free and forced); aggregate Z-normalized mean ± SEM ΔF/F). Average calcium response during forced-choice (Ci; 452 traces, 8 rats) and free-choice (Cii; 566 traces, 8 rats). Summary traces exclude instances with <10 traces across <3 rats. Paired t tests *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01. Arrow indicates moment of lever press.