Table 2.
Serogroup | Vaccine formulation | Vaccine type | Vaccine name | Manufacturer |
A | MenA-TT | Conjugate | MenAfriVac [58] | Serum Institute of India |
B | MenB-FHbp | Recombinant (FHbp subfamily A and B) | Trumenba [59] | Pfizer |
MenB-4C | Recombinant (FHbp subfamily B, NadA, NHBA, OMV) | Bexsero [45, 60] | GlaxoSmithKline | |
C | MCC-TT | Conjugate | NeisVac-C [61] | Pfizer |
Hib-MCC-TT | Conjugate | Menitorix [62] | GlaxoSmithKline | |
MCC-CRM | Conjugate | Menjugate [63] | Novartis | |
MCC-CRM | Conjugate | Meningitec [64] | Pfizer | |
C + Y | Hib-MenCY-TT | Conjugate | MenHibrix [65] | GlaxoSmithKline |
ACWY | MenACWY-DT | Conjugate | Menactra [41] | Sanofi Pasteur |
MenACWY-CRM | Conjugate | Menveo [66] | GlaxoSmithKline | |
MenACWY-TT | Conjugate | Nimenrix [67] | Pfizer |
CRM cross-reactive material, DT diphtheria toxoid, FHbp factor H binding protein, Hib Haemophilus influenzae type B, MCC meningococcal serogroup C conjugate, NadA neisserial adhesin A, NHBA neisserial heparin-binding antigen, OMV outer membrane vesicles, TT tetanus toxoid