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. 2019 Sep 2;144(3):e20190178. doi: 10.1542/peds.2019-0178


Baseline Comparison of Participants With Autism in the PRT-P Group and DTG

n 23 20
Male/female sex, n 21/2 17/3
Age, mean (SD), mo 49.5 (11.2) 47.2 (10.0)
MSEL composite score, mean (SD) 49.9 (1.8) 50.9 (5.7)
SRS-2 raw score, mean (SD) 95.8 (26.4) 98.3 (25.6)
SLO total utterances, mean (SD) 49.9 (30.7) 52.8 (23.9)
CGI-S score, mean (SD) 5.4 (0.5) 5.4 (0.6)
CDI words out of 396, mean (SD)a 118.2 (110.9) 59.0 (73.6)
CDI words out of 680, mean (SD) 141.9 (129.9) 85.6 (105.6)
1-on-1 ABA treatment, mean (SD), h per wk 8.9 (5.2) 7.7 (6.1)

PRT-P group ethnicity: white: 6; Asian American: 12 (includes Southeast Asians); native Hawaiian: 1; Hispanic: 2; biracial: 1; and other: 1; DTG ethnicity: white: 6; Asian: 12 (includes Southeast Asians); Hispanic: 1; and other: 1.


No statistical differences between the PRT-P group and DTG on any of the baseline measures, with the exception of the CDI words out of 396; t1,41 = −2.09; P = .044.